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Why Core data needs? How to implement it?

  • What is the need of Core Data in iPhone development?
  • What are the steps to implement it?
  • What is mean by validating, migration in Core Data?


  • I've been watching this question for a while, and since no one has jumped in with an answer I thought I'd give it a shot to get you started (if you haven't already google'd yet). I'm a coredata (and iphone app development) newbie too, here are the resources that I used to get me started:

    The Stanford iPhone App course: has a good CoreData aspect to it, as part of the Paparazi series of assignments.

    with slides here:

    As you probably know, the iPhone Developer space has a lot of tutorials and sample code here:

    And, this tutorial looks quite thorough:

    I know I'm not answering your question (especially relating to Migration), and since you asked over a week ago you've probably google'd it yourself - but hopefully a couple of these resources help you out as they helped me.