I need to replicate this Excel graph in code
Given a list of [x, y] values, how can I obtain a new list of values to graph the power trendline?
I've found people referring to this http://mathworld.wolfram.com/LeastSquaresFittingPowerLaw.html formula. But don't know how to generate a new list of values from this.
Follow the formula from the link:
function getFittedPoints(data) {
var log = Math.log,
pow = Math.pow,
sums = [
0, // sum of the logarithms of x ( sum(log(x)) )
0, // sum of the logarithms of y ( sum(log(y)) )
0, // sum of the logarithms of the products of x and y ( sum(log(x) * log(y)) )
0 // sum of the powers of the logarithms of x ( sum((log(x))^2 )
fittedPoints = [], // return fitted points
a, // a coefficient
b, // b coefficient
dataLen = data.length,
for (i = 0; i < dataLen; i++) {
sums[0] += logX = log(data[i][0]);
sums[1] += logY = log(data[i][1]);
sums[2] += logX * logY;
sums[3] += pow(logX, 2);
b = (i * sums[2] - sums[0] * sums[1]) / (i * sums[3] - pow(sums[0], 2));
a = pow(Math.E, (sums[1] - b * sums[0]) / i);
for (i = 0; i < dataLen; i++) {
a * pow(data[i][0], b)
return fittedPoints;
And then apply the function to the data.
example: http://jsfiddle.net/fa3m4Lvf/
Of course if your data are not clean then you can improve the function with handling null values,etc.