I have an xarray DataArray that I want to select the months April, May, June (similar to time.season=='JJA') for an entire time series.
Its structured like:
<xarray.DataArray 't2m' (time: 492, latitude: 81, longitude: 141)>
I have been previously selecting JJA by:
seasonal_data =temp_data.sel(time=temp_data['time.season']=='JJA')
I would like to do the same thing but with the months 'AMJ' instead. I can add any details that I might be missing.
The easiest way to select custom months is to use boolean masks, e.g.,
def is_amj(month):
return (month >= 4) & (month <= 6)
seasonal_data = temp_data.sel(time=is_amj(temp_data['time.month']))
Note that you need to use the bitwise operators like &
or |
because Python's built-ins and
and or
don't work on vectors. Also, you need the parentheses because bitwise operators have higher precedence than comparisons.