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How do I specify the text to display next to a radio button in Scala.js?

I have two radio buttons, one for SBT and one for Gradle. How do I specify the text for the buttons in Scala.js? My code looks like this:

lazy val toolChoice = fieldset(
      legend("Build Tool"),
      input(`type`:="radio", name:="tool", value:="sbt", "SBT"),
      input(`type`:="radio", name:="tool", value:="gradle", "Gradle")

I see the buttons, but not the text. What am I doing wrong?


  • Radio buttons do not have text per se. You need to have a sibling element to display the text. Ideally a <label>, so that it is clickable. See for example

    In Scalatags, I guess it would look like this:

    lazy val toolChoice = fieldset(
        legend("Build Tool"),
        input(`type`:="radio", name:="tool", value:="sbt", id:="toolsbt"),
        label(`for`:="toolsbt", "sbt"),
        input(`type`:="radio", name:="tool", value:="gradle", id:="toolgradle"),
        label(`for`:="toolgradle", "Gradle")