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Laravel - passing data from master blade to partial doesn't work for all views

I am trying to pass data from my master blade to the partial depending where it is open. This is part of my master blade:

<div id="main-section">


        @include('customer.layouts.partials.carousel', ['function' => 'drawer'])

    <div id="drawer">
      <div id="item-detail">
      <div id="item-detail-carousel">
          @include('customer.layouts.partials.carousel', ['function' => 'itemDetail'])

So, as you can see I am using customer.layouts.partials.carousel in two places. I am receiving data in my partial like this:

      <div class="swiper-container {{ $function }}">
          <div class="swiper-wrapper">
            @foreach($issues as $issue)
              <div class="swiper-slide">
                  src="/imagecache/large/{{ $issue->first()->image  }}"
                  onclick="{{ $function }}(
                    '{{ $issue->first()->magazine->id }}',
                    '{{ $issue->first()->magazine->name }}',
                    '{{ $issue->first()->magazine->summary ?: '' }}',
                    '{{ $issue->first()->magazine->image ?: '' }}',
                    '{{ $issue->first()->image  }}'

Div #drawer is hidden first, has display:none, and it is shown on click on an image in the slider in the main-section. And then #drawer gets slides over the main-section. But when I inspect the elements in the chrome I see that both in the main-section and in the drawer section, data that was passed is drawer. The #drawer didn't get data ['function' => 'drawer'] as I thought it would. How can I achieve that?


  • I think you're misunderstanding how the @section directive is meant to work.

    For starters, you shouldn't have multiple @section directives with the same name (think of it like ids with HTML - there should only be one with that name). Also, if your not going to be extending files with @extend there isn't much point in using @section at all.

    If you remove the @section directives from around your @include('...') then they should work fine.

    Hope this helps!