I am able to draw rectangles around text with the CIDetector
(Using CIDetectorTypeText
), but I can't find a way to detect text orientation. Does anyone know how to detect text orientation with Swift?
This will print out the recognized text orientations.
guard let image = CIImage(image: imageView.image!) else { return }
let detector = CIDetector(ofType: CIDetectorTypeText, context: nil, options: [
CIDetectorAccuracy: CIDetectorAccuracyHigh
let orientations = [Int](1..<9).flatMap {
detector?.features(in: image, options: [
CIDetectorImageOrientation: $0
]).count ?? 0 > 0 ? $0 : nil
if orientations.filter({ $0 < 5 }).count == 4 {
print("text has horizontal orientation")
} else if orientations.filter({ $0 > 4 }).count == 4 {
print("text has vertical orientation")
} else {
print("text has mixed orientation")