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Callbacks inside a loop : how to know when all is finished?

In a loop, I need to call multiple times a method with callback . How can I know when all is finished ?

public void onObjectsMustBeParsed(String parsableObjects) {
    String[] parsedObjects = parsableObjects.split(",");

    for (String parsedObject : parsedObjects){

        loadObject(parsedObject, new LoadObjectCallback() {
            public void onObjectLoaded(Object object) {
                //Object Loaded
                saveObject(object, new SaveObjectCallback() {
                    public void onObjectSaved() {
                        // Object saved

                    public void onError() {
                        // Object not saved


            public void onError(Throwable throwable) {
                // Object not Loaded


// => do something when all processing of parsed-objects are finished
       // do something if all is ok
       // do other thing if partially ok

Note : To manipulate my data, I use a repository with local and remote data sources. This piece of code is a part of repository.


  • Add a volatile integer which indicates the amount of running tasks. Increment when you start a task. Decrement in onObjectLoaded or in onObjectSaved. Then after every decrement check if the task counter is nul.