I created a Monad-like type that is a lot like the Play Json Reads[T]
type, called ReadYamlValue
trait ReadYamlValue[T] {
def read(json: YamlValue): ReadResult[T]
// ... methods include map, flatMap, etc
I created a cat Monad
instance for this:
implicit val ReadYamlValueMonad: Monad[ReadYamlValue] = new Monad[ReadYamlValue] {
override def flatMap[A, B](fa: ReadYamlValue[A])(f: A => ReadYamlValue[B]): ReadYamlValue[B] = {
fa flatMap f
override def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)(f: A => ReadYamlValue[Either[A, B]]): ReadYamlValue[B] = {
ReadYamlValue.read[B] { yaml =>
@tailrec def readB(reader: ReadYamlValue[Either[A, B]]): ReadResult[B] = {
reader.read(yaml) match {
case Good(Left(nextA)) => readB(f(nextA))
case Good(Right(b)) => Good(b)
case Bad(error) => Bad(error)
override def pure[A](x: A): ReadYamlValue[A] = ReadYamlValue.success(x)
And then I wanted to test it with the MonadLaws
and ScalaCheck.
class CatsTests extends FreeSpec with discipline.MonadTests[ReadYamlValue] {
monad[Int, Int, Int].all.check()
But I get:
could not find implicit value for parameter EqFA: cats.Eq[io.gloriousfuture.yaml.ReadYamlValue[Int]]
How do I define Eq
for what is effectively a function? Comparing equality of a function seems like it isn't what I want... Is my ReadYamlValue
class not a Monad or even a Functor for that matter?
One way to do this is to generate an arbitrary sample and compare equality of the result:
implicit def eqReadYaml[T: Eq: FormatYamlValue: Arbitrary]: Eq[ReadYamlValue[T]] = {
Eq.instance { (a, b) =>
val badYaml = arbitrary[YamlValue].getOrThrow
val goodValue = arbitrary[T].getOrThrow
val goodYaml = Yaml.write(goodValue)
Seq(badYaml, goodYaml).forall { yaml =>
(a.read(yaml), b.read(yaml)) match {
case (Good(av), Good(bv)) => Eq.eqv(av, bv)
case (Bad(ae), Bad(be)) => Eq.eqv(ae, be)
case _ => false
But this seems like it is sidestepping the definition of equality a bit. Is there a better or more canonical way to do this?
It looks like using Arbitrary instances is how Circe does it:
They take a stream of 16 samples and compare the results.