I have a Active Record model "Event" with a hasOne relation 'getUser'. Now, if I do :
$eventModels = Event::find()->joinWith([
'user' => function($q){
return $q;
foreach($eventModels as $m){
var_dump($m->user); //Everything good as $m->user returns the related user object
But, if I add the "select" in the joinWith query, then related "user" object becomes null. Here is the issue :
$eventModels = Event::find()->joinWith([
'user' => function($q){
$q->select('email');// or, ['email'] or ['user.email'] etc. fields.
return $q;
foreach($eventModels as $m){
var_dump($m->user); // Returns NULL
But, if I make it $q->select('*'), then $m->user working .
I believe it used to work in some previous versions of Yii 2 (Right now, I am working on Yii 2.0.9)
Is this expected behavior ? If yes, then what is the solution to fetch only some select fields for the related joinWith model ? I don't want to fetch all the related fields as some of the related fields might contain "TEXT" data type.
You need to select the primary key column for the relation for Yii to build them.
e.g. assuming your column is called id
$eventModels = Event::find()->joinWith(['user' => function($q){
$q->select(['id', 'email']);
Also, you don't need to return the $q