I seem to keep getting "Service Not Found" whenever I try to resolve an endpoint for a stateless service. I have tried using the service partition resolver and also the service proxy but they both yield same results. Is there a restriction on Service Fabric or am I misunderstanding how stateless services should be used? I could not find any documentation stating either way.
To give more detail on what I am attempting to do. I am building an Api Gateway. The Api Gateway is comprised of RegistryService and a RoutingService.
I have multiple service fabric applications, some of which have "front-end" stateless services which use WebApi and Owin. On startup these services register their routes to the RegistryService.
The Gateway uses the Registryservices to determine the service to direct the request to. At which point I am trying to resolve the endpoint of said services but fail to do so. If however I change my routing to stateful backend services it works fine.
Any thoughts would be very helpful
So for anyone else who comes along here. Seems like it was a non issue. Resetting the SF cluster fixed it.