I am generating a reset link/token that will be emailed to the client as follows.
QByteArray token;
randombytes_buf(token.data(), crypto_pwhash_SALTBYTES);
QUrlQuery token_url("http://localhost:8080/reset/staff");
token_url.addQueryItem("token", token);
This appears to produce the correct output:
To authenticate the reset request against the stored hash I need the token QByteArray.
QByteArray path = request.getPath();
qDebug() << path;
QUrlQuery token_url(path);
QString token(token_url.queryItemValue("token"));
qDebug() << token;
qDebug() << QUrl::fromPercentEncoding(path);
The output including the pasted url in firefox is gibberish
I understand I'm probably doing a doggy unsigned char Converstion.
What is the elegant method for passing QBytearrays in and out of QUrlQuery?
I have seen some programmers writing their own URL parsers but that seems excessive.
[SOLVED] Problem was with QtWebApps HttpRequest::decodeRequestParams() the Url was being double decoded additionally QUrlQuery.query() doesn't work quiet as you would expect.
K.I.S.S Encode your URL manually
QByteArray url("http://localhost:8080/reset/staff?");
qDebug() << url;
On the receiving end
split the query from "?"
then split at "&" into key=value pairs
then split at "="
finally QByteArray::fromPercentEncoding(key)
finally QByteArray::fromPercentEncoding(value)
I am open to improvements if anyone has got a more elegant solution.