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How to connect SpagoBI to Apache Hadoop (hdfs)

I have a huge data in Hadoop (HDFS). How can i connect SpagoBI with HDFS to configure a Data Source. IN SpagoBI I cannot find any option for HDFS Storage in Dialect Drop down on Add Data Source Page.

Is there a way to use HDFS Data in SpagoBI ?


  • you can connect SpagoBI to Hive tables.

    so first if your data is structured , then transfer all data to hive tables or simply create hive external table on top of your data.

    then through HiveServer2 driver you can connect .

    you have to put hive jdbc jar and other common jar file manually in your spagoBI lib directory.

    your spagoBI connection properties should look something like this:

    provide credentials to connect with hive given below:-

    URL : jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/xyz

    Driver: org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver