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Spacemacs: How do I navigate between folders?

This is probably a trivial question, but I cannot find any info on this. I have never used vim nor emacs before. I have completed the evil tutorial and I have played a little bit with SPC- commands. But I couldn't find anywhere how should I navigate between folders...

I tried: :! cd ... but it didn't work.


  • You go into command mode (pressing : in evil-mode) and enter

    edit ~/projects/foobar

    when it`s recognized by helm projectile (git projects are recognized automatically, otherwise you have to define a projectile file), you will be later able to switch between projects, you once have opened, by pressing

    SPC p p

    also you can switch between recent open files with

    SPC b b

    you can search those commands by pressing M-x (M stays for alt)