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Update page after file download

I put together a download script after some wonderful help from stack overflow the other day. However I have now found that after the file has been downloaded I need to reload the page to get rid of the progress template on the aspx page. The code to remove the template worked before I added in the download code.

Code to remove progress template: upFinanceMasterScreen.Update();

I've tried calling putting this before and after the redirect to the IHttpHandler

Response.Redirect("Download.ashx?ReportName=" + "RequestingTPNLeagueTable.pdf");

public class Download : IHttpHandler {

public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)

   StringBuilder sbSavePath = new StringBuilder();

    HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
    HttpResponse objResponce = context.Response;
    String test = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["ReportName"];
    HttpContext.Current.Response.AppendHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + test);
    objResponce.WriteFile(context.Server.MapPath(@"Reports\" + sbSavePath + @"\" + test));    

 public bool IsReusable { get { return true; } } 

Thanks for any help you can provide!


  • When you send back a file for the user to download, that is the HTTP request. In other words, you can either have a post-back which refreshes the browser page or you can send a file for the user to download. You cannot do both without special tricks.

    This is why most sites when you download a file, it first takes you to a new page that says, "Your download is about to begin", and then subsequently "redirects" you to the file to download using meta-refresh or javascript.

    For example, when you go here to download the .NET 4 runtime:

    It renders the page, then uses the following meta-refresh tag to actually give the user the file to download:

    <META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content=".1; URL=" />

    You'll probably have to do something similar in your app. However, if you are truly interested in doing something after the file is completely downloaded, you're out of luck, as there's no event to communicate that to the browser. The only way to do that is an AJAX upload like gmail uses when you upload an attachment.