Pretty basic question here:
I'm currently trying to control a sensortag 2.0 via Swift 3.0.
I'm trying to simultaneously turn on the acc, gyro, and magnetometer.
According to Texas Instruments documentation, the following applies for the IMU:
Axis enable bits:gyro-z=0,gyro-y,gyro-x,acc-z=3,acc-y,acc-x,mag=6 Range: bit 8,9
I have written "0x023F" in the following manner, which turns on the gyro and the accelerometer with great success.
let value = OperationDataHolder(data:[0x023F])
var parameter = 0x023F
let data = NSData(bytes: ¶meter, length: 2)
self.sensorTagPeripheral.writeValue(data as Data, for: thisCharacteristic, type: CBCharacteristicWriteType.withResponse)
However, I'm not able to figure out the value to write to turn turn on all 3 units simultaneously. Would someone be able to provide me with this value?
When you convert the current value you are using (0x023F) to binary, you get 0b1000111111. Each of the bits represents the on/off (on=1/off=0) state of a given sensor component.
If you read the binary number from right to left, and map each bit by referencing the table below, you will see that the gyro z/y/x and accelerometer z/y/x are all enabled. If you want to enable the magnetometer, simply change 'bit 6' to a '1' and convert that binary number to a hexadecimal number.
So, Google says: 0b1001111111 is 0x027F in hexadecimal
bit 0 => gyro z-axis
bit 1 => gyro y-axis
bit 2 => gyro x-axis
bit 3 => acc z-axis
bit 4 => acc y-axis
bit 5 => acc x-axis
bit 6 => mag (enables all axes)
bit 7 => Wake-on-motion enable
bits 8 & 9 => Accelerometer range
bits 10-15 => not used
For more info about the mapping (i.e. what bits 8 & 9 do), see the Sensor Tag Wiki Page