I've built a small rails app and have a ruby script that I would like to run in the background of my app. Currently this code is placed in my lib directory (lib/tweetstreamer.rb). What's the easiest way to accomplish this task while having the code continue to run in the background? Would I need to use some type of command inside my application controller? I found that when I use "rails runner path/to/tweetstreamer.rb" my script runs perfectly.
tweetstreamer.rb can be seen below
require 'tweetstream'
require 'twitter'
require 'mixpanel-ruby'
TweetStream.configure do |conf|
conf.consumer_key = "XXXXXXX"
conf.consumer_secret = "XXXXXXX"
conf.oauth_token = "XXXXXXX"
conf.oauth_token_secret = "XXXXXXX"
conf.auth_method = :oauth
@store_account = Twitter::REST::Client.new do |config|
config.consumer_key = "XXXXXXX"
config.consumer_secret = "XXXXXXX"
config.access_token = "XXXXXXX"
config.access_token_secret = "XXXXXXX"
client = TweetStream::Client.new
client.track('mysampletweet') do |status|
msg = status.text
tag = "#mysampletweet"
puts msg
puts tag
if msg.include? tag
message = "@#{status.user.screen_name} Happy Holidays from @myaccountname!"
sleep 5
@store_account.update(message, in_reply_to_status_id: status.id)
@tracker = Mixpanel::Tracker.new("XXXXXXX")
@tracker.track(status.id, 'Tweets Received', { 'Hashtag' => tag, 'Message' => msg })
puts 'Your code ran'
You could make this a rake task. Change the namespace myappname to the name of your app.
Save this in myappname/lib/tasks/tweetstream.rake:
namespace :myappname do
task :tweetstream => :environment do
require 'tweetstream'
require 'twitter'
require 'mixpanel-ruby'
TweetStream.configure do |conf|
conf.consumer_key = "XXXXXXX"
conf.consumer_secret = "XXXXXXX"
conf.oauth_token = "XXXXXXX"
conf.oauth_token_secret = "XXXXXXX"
conf.auth_method = :oauth
@store_account = Twitter::REST::Client.new do |config|
config.consumer_key = "XXXXXXX"
config.consumer_secret = "XXXXXXX"
config.access_token = "XXXXXXX"
config.access_token_secret = "XXXXXXX"
client = TweetStream::Client.new
client.track('mysampletweet') do |status|
msg = status.text
tag = "#mysampletweet"
puts msg
puts tag
if msg.include? tag
message = "@#{status.user.screen_name} Happy Holidays from @myaccountname!"
sleep 5
@store_account.update(message, in_reply_to_status_id: status.id)
@tracker = Mixpanel::Tracker.new("XXXXXXX")
@tracker.track(status.id, 'Tweets Received', { 'Hashtag' => tag, 'Message' => msg })
puts 'Your code ran'
Then to boot in a separate process, from your command line you can run it with bundle exec rake myappname:tweetstream