I'm developing rails application and encountered such problem.
I have movies_controller.rb
, where I have these actions and routes defined:
Prefix Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action
movies GET /movies(.:format) movies#index
POST /movies(.:format) movies#create
new_movie GET /movies/new(.:format) movies#new
edit_movie GET /movies/:id/edit(.:format) movies#edit
movie GET /movies/:id(.:format) movies#show
PATCH /movies/:id(.:format) movies#update
PUT /movies/:id(.:format) movies#update
DELETE /movies/:id(.:format) movies#destroy
root GET / redirect(301, /movies)
movies_by_director GET /movies/by_director(.:format) movies#by_director
But when I try to go to /movies/by_director?director="something"
, rails think, that I'm navigating to movies#show
action with parameter :id = by_director
What am I doing wrong?
Routes are matched in the order they are specified so make sure the route for "by_director" is defined above the resource routes for movies.
Something like this should do the trick:
get '/movies/by_director' => 'movies#by_director'
resources :movies