I have a Moose object module that should accept a relatively large data structure (ds
) as one of its constructor arguments. It is used to calculate some of the object's attributes. However, I do not wish to store ds
itself as an attributes -- it is only needed during the construction of the object.
I thought of using BUILDARGS
but then I'm not sure how to define that ds
is a required argument.
How can I work around this?
I'd be inclined to have a constructor that takes only the calculated values derived from your data structure. Then use a different method to take limited params plus the data structure as args.
sub generate_foo_from_ds {
my $class = shift;
my %arg = @_;
my $ds = $arg{foo_data};
# Get attributes from args
my %attrib;
for (qw(foo bar baz ) {
croak "Attrib '$_' is required" unless exists $arg{$_};
$attrib{$_} = $arg{$_};
# calculate some more attributes here.
$attrib{griz} = $ds->{whee} * $ds->{whoosh} / $ds->{whiz}[12];
my $foo = $class->new( %attrib );
return $foo;
Then make your objects like so:
my $foo = Foo->generate_foo_from_ds( foo_data => $bar, foo => 1, bar => 2, baz => 2 );
Now you don't have to worry about weird serialization issues or BUILDARGS or even BUILD. You have a simple method and that is all.