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Style TextView as material-style Spinner on API level 19

I'm trying to style a TextView like a spinner in my app, so that it looks like a spinner but does allow me to easily show a custom dialog for editing the value.

I use the following in my layout XML:


All works as expected on an Android 5 emulator. My TextView and other Spinners look alike. They display a litte down-arrow on the right:

The material spinner arrow

However, when I run the same code on an Android 4.4 emulator, the Spinners still look like above (because I'm using the Support Library in the most recent version), but the TextView looks like an Android 4.4 spinner:

Old non-material spinner style

This results in an inconsistent look in my Activity. I notice that Spinner is one of the controls the style of which is handled by the support library for Android versions older than 5.

The question I have is: Is there a way to tell the TextView to use the AppCompat spinner style as well? If so, how can I do this?


  • Seems I accidentially found the styles myself. The following provides the layout as desired:
