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Magma 2.0 Error: CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version

While running the program to add two simple matrix I get following error

CUDA runtime error: CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version (35) in magma_getdevice at interface_cuda/interface.cpp:547 Error: magmablasGetQueue requires magma_init() to be called first for MAGMA v1 compatability.

I have checked the other programs like sparse matrix calculation or eigen values functions are working but getting problem in Adding two matrices. I have also used magma_init() mentioned in error. Using following function.

magma_smalloc_cpu(&patterns, patternn2);
magma_smalloc_cpu(&onesmat, patterncols);
magma_smalloc_cpu(&col_mean, patternrows);
magma_smalloc_cpu(&meanmultiplier, patternn2);

// Values are assigned to each matrix and checked using loop its working


I am usng Cuda 7.5 version with magma 2.0.

If any one have idea about the error please answer, it would be really helpful for me to solve it.


  • Please read the error provided. Error messages were created to enable the compiler to complain about the error and potentially provide a possible solution.

    CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version

    That's it. According to this message, our CUDA driver is outdated and (here's a hidden potential solution) you should upgrade it.

    Why? Because CUDA runtime uses some features of the newer driver, that the one you have doesn't support.