I need to do different things based upon which field (column) the data is in.
For Each row As DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Row In
worksheet.Descendants(Of DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Row)
For Each cell As DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Cell In row
Select Case True
Case cell.CellReference.Value Like "C*"
'if this cell is in column C
Case cell.CellReference.Value Like "A*"
'if this cell is in column A
Case Else
End Select
This works great as long as there are no more than 26 fields in a given spreadsheet.
How do I make sure that my Like "A*"
doesn't react to column AA, AB, etc.?
Keep in mind that the OpenXML SDK always returns a full cell reference for the .cellreference.value, and not just the column. And I need to specify that I am not trying to wholesale throw out any column greater than 26, but I am trying to make sure I specify a specific column. It is possible that the column under scrutiny may end up being AA or AB, depending on the company that created the specific source sheet. I was hoping for a property, or barring that, how other people have learned to refer to specific columns in openxml.
Adding a #
after the column letter(s) you are trying to match will tell the matcher that there must be a number after the letter. This will prevent your check for A
matching if the column is actually AA
Select Case True
Case cell.CellReference.Value Like "C#*"
'if this cell is in column C
Case cell.CellReference.Value Like "A#*"
'if this cell is in column A
Case cell.CellReference.Value Like "AA#*"
'if this cell is in column AA
Case Else
End Select
From the documentation, the #
will match "Any single digit (0–9)".