I am looking to create a delayed creation directive such that I can simply add it to an object like so to allow it to be created some time later like so
<div delay-creation="1000">Theres lots of things in here </div>
The reason behind this is that my UI is quite complicated and lots of objects are rendered that arent initially seen. I see this as a nice reusable way to delay creation of off screen objects without having to mess about with custom code all the time.
I initially thought my new directive could conditionally adding ng-if="false"
to the $element
and then, after some time period, set the value to be true
. Unfortunately this seems far more complicated than I first thought. Is there a better way to do this or can anyone help me in creating this directive?
** Edit: Based off of Bens code this now works **
export class DelayCreationDirective implements angular.IDirective {
restrict = "A";
public link: (scope: angular.IScope, element: ng.IAugmentedJQuery, attrs: ng.IAttributes) => void;
constructor($timeout: angular.ITimeoutService) {
DelayCreationDirective.prototype.link = ($scope: angular.IScope, $element: angular.IAugmentedJQuery, attrs: ng.IAttributes) => {
var placeholder = angular.element(document.createComment("delayCreation placeholder"));
$timeout(() => {
$element.attr("ng-if", $attrs["delayCreation"]);
if (placeholder) {
}, 1000);
static factory(): ng.IDirectiveFactory {
const directive = ($timeout: angular.ITimeoutService) => new DelayCreationDirective($timeout);
directive.$inject = ["$timeout"];
return directive;
.directive("delayCreation", DelayCreationDirective.factory());
I think that using ng-if won't help you because Angular's ng-if DOM sub-tree always gets complied, then removed from DOM if needed. So it takes the time anyway.. We implemented in the past a "lazy-ng-if" directive, to prevent that complication, maybe it can be used in your UC?
BTW, this capability was added to Angular1.5 as well AFAIK