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How can I apply a conditional effect to a button based on value in the ViewModel?

I can easily add a little glow effect to a button using something like this:

<Button ...>
    <DropShadowEffect ... />

How can I apply the effect conditionally, based on a value in the ViewModel?

Basically I want the button to "glow" if a new document has been added in the last few days. I can supply the bool value indicating if the glow is required as a property of the ViewModel.

I was thinking of just creating two buttons attached to the same command, hiding one and showing the other based on the ViewModel. That would work, but it seems a bit brute forced.





  • You need to create a style for your Button with a DataTrigger like this:

    <Button Content="Hello" Command="{Binding HelloCommand}">
            <Style TargetType="Button">
                    <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding SomeCondition}" Value="True">
                        <Setter Property="Effect">
                                <DropShadowEffect />

    Note that SomeCondition is a boolean property in your view model. Only when SomeCondition is true, the effect gets applied.