I have the following case:
V1 ---E1---\
V2 (with properties)
V1 ---E1---/
So two vertices of class V1 are connected to another Vertex of type V2, both edges are of the same class E1 which has the property "p".
I would like a query that:
I have tried with:
SELECT *,in('E1')[p] as p FROM (SELECT EXPAND(out('E1')) FROM <V1-rid>) UNWIND p
But that would of course give 2 results since the projection returns values from both the E1 edges. I only want to inlcude p form the edge between my selected V1 and V2.
I have some other connections to V2 as well which need to be included, but I wanted to specify the problem more precise to reduce the question complexity and I think (hope) they won't interfere with the answer.
I would like the result to be whole V2-records with appended properties "p", so if V2 has properties v2p1:, v2p2, the resulting records should look something like:
"v2p1": <value>,
"v2p2": <value>,
"p": <value>
Where the last "p" value is from the edge and the other properties are from the actual V2 records.
try this:
select *,traversedEdge(-1).p as p from(traverse outE('E1'),inV('E1') from #21:0) where @class='V2'