I have the following data (or something of the like):
DATA test2;
James Bond is a spy
Hello World
123 Mill st P BOX 223
11 prospect ave p o box
P Box 225
Hello World
pobox 2212
P. O. box. 256
I would like to read only the lines that start with "Hello World" until the next blank line, such that my output would be
Hello World
123 Mill st P BOX 223
11 prospect ave p o box
Hello World
pobox 2212
My idea is to then do some manipulations on each of these two (or generally more) texts, and afterwards append them together. But first I need to only filter out the text I need. note that my original text file is huge, and where the spaces comes, I do not know.
My following attempt is this:
data test3;
set test2;
if _n_=1 then do;
retain startline endline;
startline = prxparse('/Hello World/');
endline = prxparse('/^\s/');
if (prxmatch(startline,STRING)=1 or prxmatch(endline,STRING)=1) ;
It gives me the following output, but I need the rest also...:
EDIT: I should stress that it might be blank lines everywhere in the text, but I only want the information between "Hello World" and the next blank line
You have to check for start and end separately and retain the flag.
EDIT: This way only desired data lines are output. Concatenation has to be done in a separate step.
data test3;
set test2;
if _n_=1 then do;
retain startline endline start ;
startline = prxparse('/Hello World/');
endline = prxparse('/^\s/');
if prxmatch(endline,STRING) then start = 0;
else if prxmatch(startline,STRING) then start = 1;
if start then output;
With concatenation:
data test3;
set test2;
if _n_=1 then do;
retain startline endline start OUTPUT;
length OUTPUT $3000;
startline = prxparse('/Hello World/');
endline = prxparse('/^\s/');
if prxmatch(endline,STRING) and OUTPUT ne "" then do; /* check for endline - output string as observation and reset */
start = 0;
OUTPUT = "";
if start then do;
/* Add text manipulation here */
OUTPUT = catx(" ",OUTPUT,STRING); /* concat string */
if prxmatch(startline,STRING) then start = 1; /* check for startline */
keep output;