I'm having trouble with a Powerpoint 2010 presentation containing an OLEFormat.Object
of an Excel chart.
I update the chart using data from Excel and save it at various stages - the idea is that I end up with three presentations:
The problem I'm having is that the charts don't seem to retain the updated data. The charts will show the new data, but as soon as I go to edit the chart it flips back and only shows the original data - there's no updated data in the worksheet.
The image below shows what I mean - they're both the same chart, but once I edit the chart the last series changes from December back to June.
Click to add title
and click to add subtitle
objects from the first slide.Insert
ribbon select Object
and Insert Excel Chart
from the Insert Object
dialog box.Object 3
(as you deleted the first two objects) and contains six months of random data.Presentation 1.pptx
.Add the following VBA code to a module within the workbook and execute the Produce_Report
Option Explicit
Public Sub Produce_Report()
Dim sTemplate As String 'Path to PPTX Template.
Dim oPPT As Object 'Reference to PPT application.
Dim oPresentation As Object 'Reference to opened presentation.
sTemplate = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Presentation1.pptx"
'Open the Powerpoint template and save a copy so we can roll back.
Set oPPT = CreatePPT
Set oPresentation = oPPT.Presentations.Open(sTemplate)
'Save a copy of the template - allows a rollback.
oPresentation.SaveCopyAs _
Left(oPresentation.FullName, InStrRev(oPresentation.FullName, ".") - 1) & " (Previous)"
'Update the chart.
Audit_Volumes oPresentation.slides(1)
'Save the presentation using the current name.
'Save the presentation giving it a new report name.
oPresentation.SaveAs ThisWorkbook.Path & "\New Presentation"
End Sub
Private Sub Audit_Volumes(oSlide As Object)
Dim wrkSht As Worksheet
Dim wrkCht As Chart
With oSlide
With .Shapes("Object 3")
Set wrkSht = .OLEFormat.Object.Worksheets(1)
Set wrkCht = .OLEFormat.Object.Charts(1)
End With
With wrkSht
.Range("A3:D7").Copy Destination:=.Range("A2")
.Range("A7:D7") = Array("December", 3, 4, 5)
End With
RefreshThumbnail .Parent
End With
Set wrkSht = Nothing
Set wrkCht = Nothing
End Sub
Public Sub RefreshThumbnail(PPT As Object)
With PPT
.designs(1).slidemaster.Shapes(1).Left = .designs(1).slidemaster.Shapes(1).Left + 1
.designs(1).slidemaster.Shapes(1).Left = .designs(1).slidemaster.Shapes(1).Left - 1
End With
End Sub
Public Function CreatePPT(Optional bVisible As Boolean = True) As Object
Dim oTmpPPT As Object
'Defer error trapping in case Powerpoint is not running. '
On Error Resume Next
Set oTmpPPT = GetObject(, "Powerpoint.Application")
'If an error occurs then create an instance of Powerpoint. '
'Reinstate error handling. '
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Set oTmpPPT = CreateObject("Powerpoint.Application")
End If
oTmpPPT.Visible = bVisible
Set CreatePPT = oTmpPPT
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Surely the two versions of the presentation saved after the chart has been updated should show the data for the updated chart?
When updating charts in Powerpoint I've previously seen examples of changing the Powerpoint view to slidesorter, performing an action on the shape (DoVerb) and then switching the view back again.
I've often had problems with the code throwing errors, probably because I generally update Powerpoint from either Excel or Access.
I've had a play around and got it to work.
An embedded chart object has two verbs available as far as I can tell - Edit
and Open
So in my code where I have RefreshThumbnail .Parent
, I have updated the code to RefreshChart .Parent, .slidenumber, .Shapes("Object 3")
The new procedure is:
Public Sub RefreshChart(oPPT As Object, SlideNum As Long, sh As Object)
oPPT.Windows(1).viewtype = 7 'ppViewSlideSorter
oPPT.Windows(1).View.gotoslide SlideNum
oPPT.Windows(1).viewtype = 9 'ppViewNormal
sh.OLEFormat.DoVerb (1)
End Sub
(previously I was using oPPT.ActiveWindow
which I think was causing the problem).
Now I'm just having problems with one chart resizing itself and the calculations behind another not recalculating - different problems for different questions I think.