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pyAudioAnalysis, Tuple index out of range

So I am trying to make a rudimentary emotion classifier using the pyAudioAnalysis library, and I have collected a small datasample to test if it works. my code is as following:

from pyAudioAnalysis import audioAnalysis as aA   

aA.trainClassifierWrapper('svm', False,

If I execute this, it gives this error:

Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-7-2e5393432e89> in <module>()
  5                       "C:\Users\gover_000\Desktop\Scared",
  6                       "C:\Users\gover_000\Desktop\Neutral"],
----> 7                       "testSVM")

C:\Users\gover_000\Documents\GitHub\Emotion-Recognition-Prototype\pyAudioAnalysis\audioAnalysis.pyc in trainClassifierWrapper(method, beatFeatures, directories, modelName)
     88         raise Exception("At least 2 directories are needed")
     89     aT.featureAndTrain(directories, 1, 1, aT.shortTermWindow, aT.shortTermStep,
---> 90                        method.lower(), modelName, computeBEAT=beatFeatures)

C:\Users\gover_000\Documents\GitHub\Emotion-Recognition-Prototype\pyAudioAnalysis\audioTrainTest.pyc in featureAndTrain(listOfDirs, mtWin, mtStep, stWin, stStep, classifierType, modelName, computeBEAT, perTrain)
    275     featureNames = ["features" + str(d + 1) for d in range(numOfFeatures)]
--> 277     writeTrainDataToARFF(modelName, features, classNames, featureNames)
    279     for i, f in enumerate(features):

C:\Users\gover_000\Documents\GitHub\Emotion-Recognition-Prototype\pyAudioAnalysis\audioTrainTest.pyc in writeTrainDataToARFF(modelName, features, classNames, featureNames)
   1097     for c, fe in enumerate(features):
   1098         for i in range(fe.shape[0]):
-> 1099             for j in range(fe.shape[1]):
   1100                 f.write("{0:f},".format(fe[i, j]))
   1101             f.write(classNames[c]+"\n")

IndexError: tuple index out of range

I know shape[1] is supposed to return the columns of an array dimension. but why does it return an error here


  • Okay so I found the problem.

    The problem was that one of my classifiers didn't have enough files, it needed atleast 2. so after adding more it worked again!