I have this data structure:
It is 2d-array that is divided on 3 sections. For each letter in the array I need to define Section number. For example, letters a,b,c,d
are in Section 1; e,f,g,h
are in Section 2.
My code. Firstly, this 2d-array preparation:
from itertools import cycle
letters = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l']
#2d-array initialization
width, height = 3, 6
repRange = cycle(range(1, 3))
values = [0] * (width - 1)
array2d = [[next(repRange)] + values for y in range(height)]
#Filling array with letters:
m = 0
for i in range(height):
for j in range(1,width):
array2d[i][j] = letters[m]
for row in array2d:
[1, 'a', 'b']
[2, 'c', 'd']
[1, 'e', 'f']
[2, 'g', 'h']
[1, 'i', 'j']
[2, 'k', 'l']
Now I need to determine section number of each letter and save it along with the letter itself. I use defineSection
function and save values in dictionary:
def defineSection(i, division, height):
if i <= division:
return 1
elif division*2 >= i > division :
return 2
elif division*3 >= i > division*2 :
return 3
dic = {}
for i in range(height):
for j in range(1,width):
section = defineSection(i+1, 2, height)
dic.update({array2d[i][j] : section})
for item in dic.items():
('f', 2)
('b', 1)
('c', 1)
('e', 2)
('k', 3)
('g', 2)
('d', 1)
('a', 1)
('l', 3)
('h', 2)
('i', 3)
('j', 3)
It defined all section numbers for each letter correctly. But defineSection
method is primitive and will not work if number of rows is bigger than 6.
I don't know how to implement defineSection
method so that it defines Section number automatically taking into account only current Row number, division and number of rows in total.
Question: Is there some way I can simply determine section number without so many if-elif
conditions and independently of total number of rows?
You can simplify your matrix creation code immensely. All you need is a letters
iterator, which returns itself so you can iterate 2-letters at a time using zip.
In [3]: from itertools import cycle
In [4]: letters = "abcdefghijkl"
In [5]: ranges = cycle(range(1,3))
In [6]: iter_letters = iter(letters)
In [7]: matrix = [[i,a,b] for i,a,b in zip(ranges,iter_letters,iter_letters)]
In [8]: matrix
[[1, 'a', 'b'],
[2, 'c', 'd'],
[1, 'e', 'f'],
[2, 'g', 'h'],
[1, 'i', 'j'],
[2, 'k', 'l']]
As for assigning sections, note that a section is every two rows, which is four letters, so you can use simple floor division to "skip" counts.
In [9]: sections = {letter:(i//4 + 1) for i,letter in enumerate(letters)}
In [10]: sections
{'a': 1,
'b': 1,
'c': 1,
'd': 1,
'e': 2,
'f': 2,
'g': 2,
'h': 2,
'i': 3,
'j': 3,
'k': 3,
'l': 3}