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Laravel 5.3 hasManyThrough through an intermediate table

I have the following table relationship:

  id - integer

  organization_id - integer (FK)
  user_id - integer (FK)

  id - integer

I am trying to get all the users of an organization through eloquent relationships. Here is my Organization.php model with its relationships:

class Organization extends Model
  public function Users(){
      return $this->hasManyThrough('App\User', 'App\OrganizationUser',
                                   'organization_id', 'user_id', 'id');

I have tried many combinations of that relationship such as

return $this->hasManyThrough('App\User', 'App\OrganizationUser',
                                   'user_id', 'organization_id', 'id');

But all turn up somewhat the same error (this one is from the first query):

Illuminate\Database\QueryException with message 'SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not
 found: 1054 Unknown column '' in 'on clause' (SQL: select
 `users`.*, `organization_users`.`organization_id` from `users` inner join 
`organization_users` on `organization_users`.`id` = `users`.`user_id` where 
`organization_users`.`organization_id` = 1)'

Is it possible that I can have the relationship retrieve the user_id to query on the users table instead of Laravel trying to retrieve If not is there another way around this?


  • This is many to many relationship.

    User Model:

    public function organizations()
        return $this->belongsToMany('App\Organization','organization_users');

    Organization Model:

      public function users()
            return $this->belongsToMany('App\User','organization_users');

    To, get all the users with their organizations:

    foreach($users as $user)
       foreach($user->organizations as $organization)