i have a table tbl_remit.
| 1 |1 | a | 01 | 2016 | 01 | 2016 |200.00|
| 2 |1 | a | 02 | 2016 | 02 | 2016 |200.00|
| 3 |1 | a | 03 | 2016 | 03 | 2016 |200.00|
| 4 |1 | a | 04 | 2016 | 06 | 2016 |600.00|
This table represents the remittance of Employer(a)
with ID(1)
for the month of From_Month(01)
Amounting to Amount(200.00)
The employer paid 200.00 for the month of January 01, 2016 - January 31, 2016 . I need to create a view which combines the columns FROM_Month and FROM_Year as Date with the Format of 01/01/2016 and also columns TO_Month and TO_Year as Date with the Format of 01/31/2016.
I used STR_TO_DATE(Concat('From_To','/','1','/','From_Year'), '%m/%d/%Y')
but it returns NULL
Any comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Remove the single quotes around the From_To
and From_Year
SELECT STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT(From_Year, '/', From_Month, '/01'), '%Y/%m/%d') AS From_Date,
STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT(To_Year, '/', To_Month, '/01'), '%Y/%m/%d') AS To_Date
FROM yourTable
As general advice, you should always store your date information in a single column, using a date type such as date
or timestamp
If you wanted to get the last day of the to
date, you can use the LAST_DAY
LAST_DAY(STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT(To_Year, '/', To_Month, '/01'), '%Y/%m/%d'))