I'm trying to run some tests on a iOS app using Calabash and Amazon Device Farm. The tests run fine on the local simulator but when I try to execute them on the server it throws timeout exceptions.
I go to the tour screen failed: Timeout waiting for elements: * id: 'welcome_login_button' (Calabash::Cucumber::WaitHelpers::WaitError)
I think it may be a performance issue caused by the video recording so I want to know if there is a way to disable it in order to see if using this platform is viable for testing a large iOS app. The Amazon technical help on this subject doesn't include this information.
You can disable video recording by using the Device Farm CLI. Inside the test JSON object, there is an attribute for specifying key-value parameters. You can set the "video_recording" key to false.
Here is an example without any ARNs filled in:
aws devicefarm schedule-run --project-arn YourProjectArn --app-arn YourApplicationArn --device-pool-arn YourDevicePoolArn --name MyTestRun --test '{"type": "CALABASH","testPackageArn":"YourTestPackageArn","parameters": {"video_recording": "false"}}'
Related links: Schedule run CLI documentation