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How to remove option bar from ggplotly plot?

I have a plot that I am rendering in shiny using plotly and ggplot2. However, I do not want the option bar that appears on hover to appear. Is there a way to use ggplotly(p) and remove the option bar?


  • There is a great answer on community plotly the short version:

    d <- diamonds[sample(nrow(diamonds), 1000), ]

    Using ggplotly:

    p <- ggplot(d, aes(carat, price)) + geom_point()
    ggplotly(p) %>% config(displayModeBar = FALSE)

    If you are not using ggplotly you can do:

    plot_ly(d, x = carat, y = price, text = paste("Clarity: ", clarity),
    mode = "markers", color = carat, size = carat) %>% config(displayModeBar = FALSE)