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how to write the LSF file to send the output to another folder other than PWD

Imagine I have a lsf file as fllows:

#BSUB -o X.out
#BSUB -e X.err

Once it is run the output will appear in the current folder.

Now imagine I am in


I need the files to appear in


basically go one folder back and from there go to folder cluster.

How should I write do it within the lsf file?


  • You can put any relative or absolute path in #BSUB -[eo] <file>. e.g. #BSUB -e ../cluster/X.err. If using a relative path, its relative to the job CWD. By default the job CWD is the job submission directory, but can be changed by a bunch of different parameters. bjobs -l <jobid> shows the actual CWD.

    What happens is that while the job is running, the stdout and stderr goes to a file under LSF_TMPDIR (default is $HOME/.lsbatch). After the job finishes, the contents of those files is copied to the pathnames specified in -[eo]. The copying is done on the execution host.