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How to sort items from shortest to longest

In Sublime Text, is there any way to sort items below to shortest to longest? I don't know if this helps, but I am using Vintage mode.

use App\Article;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Http\Requests\ArticleRequest;
use App\Tag;
use App\User;
use Gate;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use Intervention\Image\Facades\Image;
use Mews\Purifier\Facades\Purifier;

What I am trying to achieve is that select all the items, trigger some command and have them sorted shortest to longest


  • You have a couple of options.

    1. There is a thread on the Sublime Text forum in which a user provides plugin code (disclaimer: I haven't actually tried it myself):

       import sublime, sublime_plugin
       import sort
       def line_length_sort(txt):
           txt.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(len(a), len(b)))
           return txt
       class SortLinesLengthCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
           def run(self, edit, reverse=False, remove_duplicates=False):
               view = self.view
               sort.permute_lines(line_length_sort, view, edit)
               if reverse:
                   sort.permute_lines(sort.reverse_list, view, edit)
               if remove_duplicates:
                   sort.permute_lines(sort.uniquealise_list, view, edit)
    2. You can install the SortBy plugin. It provides many advanced sorting commands, including SortBy: Length of lines.

    On Windows:

    Sort By String Options & Key Bindings

    Sort By String Options & Key Bindings

    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + R SortBy: Alphabetically Ascending

    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + T SortBy: Alphabetically Descending

    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + W SortBy: LengthOf Lines Ascending

    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E SortBy: LengthOf Lines Descending

    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Q SortBy: Natural Order Ascending

    Sort By Number Options & Key Bindings

    Sort By Number Options & Key Bindings

    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S SortBy: Binary Ascending

    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + D SortBy: Binary Descending

    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + I SortBy: Hexadecimal Ascending

    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + O SortBy: Hexadecimal Descending

    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Y SortBy: Interger Ascending

    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + U SortBy: Interger Descending

    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + P SortBy: Octal Ascending

    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + A SortBy: Octal Descending

    Menu Location:

    Menu Location