I am trying to get my head around the system for a website using a Wordpress theme. I'm particularly confused at where Wordpress fits in, is it in the database, server or is it a standalone?? Here is the diagram I have made so far: Any help would be greatly appreciated.
WordPress is a content management system (CMS). It is built with php code, runs on a HTTP server, connects to a database and renders html/css/javascript to the client.
WordPress usually runs on Apache HTTP server, and connects to a mysql database though it can be configured to run on other HTTP servers and connect to other database servers (like SqlServer).
A WordPress theme is used to define rules of how to render WordPress content (entered through the WordPress admin interface) fetched from the database to the client (read browser) as HTML/CSS/JavaScript/Images. A WordPress theme follows WordPress template hierarchy for rendering different pages (You can learn more about that here: https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-hierarchy/)
You can learn more about WordPress site architecture here: https://codex.wordpress.org/Site_Architecture_1.5