So I have a helper that uses ImageMagick
and a method inside it which enforces zbar
on command line to extract QR data from an image. The image source has to be parametric.
qr_code_data = %x(zbarimg -q #{src})
gives me a command injection
warning here, obviously. Using only backticks
gives the same warning, and while system
would produce the result required, it returns true
and not the output. I don't want to use a QR-decoding wrapper/gem, or Open3. I need to know can I sanitise my image source as a parameter to avoid command injection, except by using the two options I have mentioned.
ImageMagick generally supports using STDIN for input. IO.popen supports replacing stdin of the subprocess with the contents of a file. Try the following:
qr_code_data = ""
IO.popen(['zbarimg','-q','png:-'], :in=>[src]) do |pipe|
qr_code_data =
Replace png
above with your actual image format or remove png:
entirely to allow ImageMagick to determine the file type from the input's magic number.