Has anyone used Grunt and Jasmine to successfully generate coverage reports?
I have a few tests, written in Jasmine, for which I wanted to generate some coverage information. For being generic, I have actually used grunt-istanbul, which allows an instrumenter (like isparta) to instrument my code after which a report is generated. This report, however, is based upon the transpiled code (thus in JavaScript).
I then came across istanbul remap, which looks at the map files generated by the TypeScript compiler and bases the results on that instead; however, my instrumenter adds some code to the transpiled code, which means my map files don't match anymore. At least, this is what I guess as istanbul-remap says:
Error: Could not find source map for: "src/server/modules/service.js"
This is part of my grunt configuration:
instrument: {
files: 'src/server/**/*.js',
options: {
lazy: false,
basePath: '.',
babel: {
sourceMap: true
instrumenter: require('isparta').Instrumenter
storeCoverage: {
options: {
dir: 'coverage/reports-server/'
remapIstanbul: {
dist: {
options: {
reports: {
"html": "./coverage/lcov-report",
"json": "./coverage/coverage.json"
src: "./coverage/reports-server/coverage.json"
actually, I have been able to figure it out myself. The trick here goes as follows:
This may seem clunky but it does the trick! In my grunt file I have added a copy tasks to automate these temporary location copies for me.
In the end I get to a correct and reliable result.