I am wearing the FOSRestController to create an api the only problem and wanted to send 2 parameters in the get method and i am not able to .
This and my function
public function getSearchAction($search, $pag)
In the router debug appears only to send 1 parameter.
Someone knows I send the 2 parameters ?
I actually does work for me. Although this didn't generate the same route as yours.
public function getSearchAction($search, $page)
Generates route:
get_search GET ANY ANY /whatever/{search}/search/{page}.{_format}
Did you clear cache before running app/console debug:router
If it still doesn't work for you, there's an annotation FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations\Get
to manualy setup a route:
* @Get("/search/{term}/{page}")
public function getSearchAction(Request $request, $term, $page)
Which generates route:
get_search GET ANY ANY /whatever/search/{term}/{page}.{_format}