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HtmlUnit - Getting button from form

I am trying to log in to facebook using HtmlUnit library:

String loginURL = ""

final WebClient webClient = new WebClient();
HtmlPage page1 = webClient.getPage(loginURL);
final HtmlForm form = page1.getForms().get(0);

final HtmlTextInput textField = form.getInputByName("email");
final HtmlPasswordInput textField2 = form.getInputByName("pass");
page1 = (HtmlPage) form.getInputByValue("Zaloguj się").click();

I have checked the button value:

<input value="Zaloguj się" tabindex="4" type="submit" id="u_0_0">

After running this code following error occurs:

Exception in thread "main" com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.ElementNotFoundException: elementName=[input] attributeName=[value] attributeValue=[Zaloguj się]

Can you see here any bug? Thanks for help :)


  • I try to browse the URL mentioned "", there is no button with value [Zaloguj się]. Possibly your computer use another default language than English.

    I suggest to get the login button by ID then do click().


    This is because I see the login button have ID as.

    <button value="1" class="_42ft _4jy0 _52e0 _4jy6 _4jy1 selected _51sy" id="loginbutton" name="login" tabindex="1" type="submit">Log In</button>