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How to get products available quantity (Odoo v8 and v9)

I need to get products available quantity from odoo stock.

There are several models I stock_quant, stock_move, stock_location.

What I am trying to achieve are two things:

  1. Products total available quantity
  2. Products available quantity based on location

Can anyone please guide me?


  • Stock related fields are defines in products (functional field) and directly from the product you can get the stock for all warehouses / locations or for individual location / warehouse.


    For all warehouses / locations

    product = self.env['product.product'].browse(PRODUCT_ID)
    available_qty = product.qty_available

    For individual location / warehouse (WAREHOUSE_ID / LOCATION_ID should be replaced by actual id)

    product = self.env['product.product'].browse(PRODUCT_ID)
    available_qty = product.with_context({'warehouse' : WAREHOUSE_ID}).qty_available
    available_qty = product.with_context({'location' : LOCATION_ID}).qty_available

    Other fields are also there.

    Forecasted Stock => virtual_available
    Incoming Stock => incoming
    Outgoing Stock => outgoing

    You can access all those fields in similar manner. If you will not pass any warehouse / location in context then it will returns the stock of the all warehouses together.

    For more details you may refer in stock module.


    def product_qty_location_check(self): 
        if self.product_id and self.source_location: 
            product = self.product_id
            available_qty = product.with_context({'location' :}).qty_‌​available 
            print available_qty