I am trying to workout how to configure a CXF consumer to use https, but use basic authentication.
I presume we need to attach our certificate using the httpj:engine-factory but whenever I try and do that the server generated the follwing error:
javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: null cert chain
EDIT: I believe what is happening is that the server is requesting a client certificate, but the client does not send one. For "One Directional" SLL, I don't think the server should be asking for a certificate from the client.
How do I prevent the server from requesting a client certificate?
Any assistance greatly appreciated.
It turned out to be quite simple. In the httpj:engine-factory, there is a setting for client authentication.
<sec:clientAuthentication want="false" required="false"/>
This controls whether the server requests a certificate from the client. I had copied this from samples with Bi-Directional SSL and these values were set to true.