I am creating a student database project in vb6 and I need to display a graph of the students results. I could not find any good tutorials on how to do it. I found this how to create Mschart in VB6? but the tutorial that was linked to it was removed. How do I connect the MSChart with my database?
Thanks for the help :)
I'm not entirely certain what you want to do, but here's a wild stab in the dark that might at least provide some ideas.
Table: Grades
Holds a row for each Student and their Grade in percent from 0 to 100.
Field: ID AutoNumber, Primary Key
Field: Student Text(50)
Field: Grade Byte
I want to plot counts of student Grade values as a bar chart in grade-range intervals, e.g. 0-9%, 10-19%, ... 100%.
To be sure I get the intervals with a count of 0 students in that range, I'll do a LEFT OUTER JOIN of Grades to another table GradeRanges:
Table: GradeRanges
Predefined auxiliary table with values from 0 to 100 in steps of 10 for GradeRange values.
Field: ID AutoNumber, Primary Key
Field: GradeRange Byte
I happen to have grades for 30 students. Results:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim CN As ADODB.Connection
Dim RS As ADODB.Recordset
With MSChart1
.TitleText = "Counts of Student Grades in 10% Intervals"
With .Title.VtFont
.Size = 14
.Style = VtFontStyleBold
.VtColor.Set 32, 96, 192
End With
With .Plot
With .Wall.Brush
.Style = VtBrushStyleSolid
.FillColor.Set 255, 255, 255
End With
With .Axis(VtChAxisIdY).ValueScale
.Auto = False
.Maximum = 15
.Minimum = 0
.MajorDivision = 3
.MinorDivision = 2
End With
With .SeriesCollection.Item(1).DataPoints.Item(-1)
With .Brush
.Style = VtBrushStyleSolid
.FillColor.Set 192, 224, 255
End With
With .DataPointLabel
.LocationType = VtChLabelLocationTypeAbovePoint
.VtFont.Style = VtFontStyleBold
End With
End With
End With
End With
Set CN = New ADODB.Connection
CN.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Mode=Share Exclusive;" _
& "Data Source='grades.mdb'"
On Error Resume Next 'In case previous run failed try dropping this here.
CN.Execute "DROP TABLE [TempGrades]", , adCmdText Or adExecuteNoRecords
On Error GoTo 0
'Create TempGrades table containing CalcRange values so we can do a
'LEFT OUTER JOIN to the GradeRanges table. This allows us to plot
'the ranges with a Count of 0 in them:
CN.Execute "SELECT [Grade], ([Grade] \ 10) * 10 AS [CalcRange] " _
& "INTO [TempGrades] FROM [Grades]", _
, _
adCmdText Or adExecuteNoRecords
Set RS = New ADODB.Recordset
With RS
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
.Open "SELECT CStr([GradeRange]) & '%', COUNT([Grade]) AS [Count] " _
& "FROM [GradeRanges] LEFT OUTER JOIN [TempGrades] " _
& "ON [GradeRanges].[GradeRange] = [TempGrades].[CalcRange] " _
& "GROUP BY [GradeRange] " _
& "ORDER BY [GradeRange]", _
CN, _
adOpenStatic, _
adLockReadOnly, _
.MoveFirst 'Important, otherwise MSChart will lose the 1st row data!
'Also note that the 1st column MUST BE String data or it
'will not be used as X-axis Label values.
Set MSChart1.DataSource = RS
End With
CN.Execute "DROP TABLE [TempGrades]", , adCmdText Or adExecuteNoRecords
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()
If WindowState <> vbMinimized Then
MSChart1.Move 0, 0, ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight
End If
End Sub
I'd love to do this without the aux and temp tables. Maybe somebody else can suggest an alternative.