I'm trying to convert a string to 'datetime64[ns]' format. The hours are non-zero-padded, which I guess may cause the problem.
Example of data:
1 8:49:15
2 8:49:16
3 8:49:17
Name: time, dtype: object
The code that I use to convert the string to time:
dfp['time'] = pd.to_datetime(dfp['time'], format='%H:%M:%S')
I also tried:
time_tansformed = []
for t in dfp['time']:
time_i = datetime.datetime.strptime(t, "%H:%M:%S")
and I got the same error:
ValueError: time data ' 1:00:00' does not match format '%H:%M:%S' (match)
I use Python 3.5 (Anaconda) on Win10.
How to convert it to time format? Should I add 0 to pad the hours or is there a different way?
There's a leading space in the string:
' 1:00:00'
Do this:
dfp['time'] = pd.to_datetime(dfp['time'].strip(), format='%H:%M:%S')