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How to only keep the time portion of a datetime value (SQL Server)?

Here's what I use to get a HH:MM string:

CONVERT(varchar(5), time_requested, 108)

I'm thinking there may be a more elegant way, even maybe more efficient (see similar question on How to remove the time portion of a datetime value (SQL Server)?).


  • the final result has to be easily convertible to a string (in order to be able to concatenate some field time_created with a field such as date_created).
  • the following 2 cases must be covered: HH:MM and HH:MM:SS.


  • Declare @D datetime = GetDate()      -- Data Type could be Time as well
    Select CONVERT(varchar(8), @D, 108)  -- for HH:MM:SS  11:27:26
    Select CONVERT(varchar(5), @D, 108)  -- for HH:MM     11:27

    Failed to mention, if 2012+ you could also use Format()

    Declare @D DateTime = '2016-10-22 13:30:25'
    Select Format(@D,'HH:mm')         -- 13:30
    Select Format(@D,'hh:mm:ss tt')   -- 01:30:25 PM