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Printing conditional probabilities from Naive Bayes Model in R

I have created a model using e1071 package for Naive Bayes classifier. I need to print the conditional probabilities in below format.

P(C=c1)=0.32 P(A1=x1|c1)=0.33 P(A1=x2|c1)=0.67 P(A2=y1|c1)=0.25 P(A2=y2|c1)=0.75 P(A3=z1|c1)=0.26 P(A3=z2|c1)=0.49 P(A3=z3|c1)=0.25

When I type model name, I can see the conditional probabilities but don't know how to access individual value and use it to print result in above format.

I am new to R and not sure how to parse model and get data in this form. How to parse model and separate out data?


  • Just print $tables

    > data(Titanic)
    > m <- naiveBayes(Survived ~ ., data = Titanic)  
    > m$tables
    Survived        1st        2nd        3rd       Crew
         No  0.08187919 0.11208054 0.35436242 0.45167785
         Yes 0.28551336 0.16596343 0.25035162 0.29817159
    Survived       Male     Female
         No  0.91543624 0.08456376
         Yes 0.51617440 0.48382560
    Survived      Child      Adult
         No  0.03489933 0.96510067
         Yes 0.08016878 0.91983122

    And now you can read out for example P(Age=Child|Survived=No) = 3% and P(Age=Child|Survived=yes) = 8%, P(Class=Crew|Survived=No) = 45% and so on.