I want to check the spellings of a sentence in python using NLTK
. The built-in spell checker
is not working correctly. It is giving with
and 'and' as a wrong spellings.
def tokens(sent):
return nltk.word_tokenize(sent)
def SpellChecker(line):
for i in tokens(line):
strip = i.rstrip()
if not WN.synsets(strip):
print("Wrong spellings : " +i)
print("No mistakes :" + i)
def removePunct(str):
return "".join(c for c in str if c not in ('!','.',':',','))
l = "Attempting artiness With black & white and clever camera angles, the movie disappointed - became even more ridiculous - as the acting was poor and the plot and lines almost non-existent. "
noPunct = removePunct(l.lower())
Can someone give me the reason?
It is giving wrong spellings because those are stopwords
which are not contained in wordnet (check FAQs)
So, you can instead use stopwords from NLTK corpus to check for such words.
#Add these lines:
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import wordnet as WN
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
stop_words_en = set(stopwords.words('english'))
def tokens(sent):
return nltk.word_tokenize(sent)
def SpellChecker(line):
for i in tokens(line):
strip = i.rstrip()
if not WN.synsets(strip):
if strip in stop_words_en: # <--- Check whether it's in stopword list
print("No mistakes :" + i)
print("Wrong spellings : " +i)
print("No mistakes :" + i)
def removePunct(str):
return "".join(c for c in str if c not in ('!','.',':',','))
l = "Attempting artiness With black & white and clever camera angles, the movie disappointed - became even more ridiculous - as the acting was poor and the plot and lines almost non-existent. "
noPunct = removePunct(l.lower())