I have a actionButton called Ok. When user clicks this button, it will take the input from a textInput box and show a bsModal message dialog window with some message.
This is the code:
ui <- dashboardPage(
textInput("text", "Enter Id:"),
box(width = 1, background = 'purple'),
actionButton("Ok", "Press Ok",style='padding:8px; font-size:100%')
bsModal("modalnew", "Greetings", "Ok", size = "small",
server <- function(input, output) {
patid1 <- as.numeric(input$text)
if (is.na(patid1) == TRUE) { output$text1 <- renderText("Please enter
a valid ID# without alphabets or special characters")} else {
#output$text1 <-renderText("")
output$text1 <-renderText({paste("You enetered", patid1)})
shinyApp(ui, server)
What I am trying to do is when the user clicks on Close
button on the bsModal window, it should clear the text in the textInput
text box. I have no idea how to add a reactive function on the close button in the bsModal message window. Any help is much appreciated.
You can not really do it at the bsModal
which runs on client, but you can easily do this in the server:
server <- function(input, output, session) {
patid1 <- as.numeric(input$text)
# Clear input$text
updateTextInput(session,"text", value="")
if (is.na(patid1) == TRUE) { output$text1 <- renderText("Please enter
a valid ID# without alphabets or special characters")} else {
output$text1 <-renderText({
paste("You enetered", patid1)})
shinyApp(ui, server)