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get the names of elements in a complex type(choice) from xml file

My xml file;

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tns:military xmlns:tns="Military.xsd"
    xsi:schemaLocation="Military.xsd Military.xsd ">
    <personel sicilNo="0" title="Bay">

based on xml schema;

<complexType name="tClass">
        <element name="erbas" type="tns:tErbas"></element>
        <element name="astSubay" type="tns:tAstsubay"></element>
        <element name="subay" type="tns:tSubay"></element>
        <element name="general" type="tns:tGeneral"></element>

I want to get name of class elements, how can i handle it? After i get it, i use it in switch/case statement. (in my example i want to get "erbas" )

   case(erbas) ....
   case(astsubay) ...


  • String class_ = elem.getElementsByTagName("class").item(0).

    I add this code. It works. But i dont understand how it works :) when i change to "item(1)" from item(0), it gives child element's name.