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How to include test dependencies in sbt-assembly jar?

I am unable to package my test dependencies in my test assembly jar. Here is an excerpt from my build.sbt:


name := "project"

scalaVersion := "2.10.6"

assemblyOption in (Compile, assembly) := (assemblyOption in (Compile, assembly)).value.copy(includeScala = false)

fork in Test := true

parallelExecution in IntegrationTest := false

lazy val root =".")).configs(IntegrationTest.extend(Test)).settings(Defaults.itSettings: _ *)


test in (Test, assembly) := {}

assemblyOption in (Test, assembly) := (assemblyOption in (Test, assembly)).value.copy(includeScala = false, includeDependency = true)

assemblyJarName in (Test, assembly) := s"${name.value}-test.jar"

fullClasspath in (Test, assembly) := {
  val cp = (fullClasspath in Test).value
  cp.filter{ file => ( contains "classes") || ( contains "test-classes")}  ++  (fullClasspath in Runtime).value

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "" %% "play-json" % "2.3.10" % "test" excludeAll ExclusionRule(organization = "joda-time"),


When I assemble my fat jar using sbt test:assembly, is produces the fat jar project-test.jar, but the play-json dependencies aren't being packaged in:

$ jar tf /path/to/project-test.jar | grep play

However, if I remove the "test" configuration from the play-json dep (i.e. "" %% "play-json" % "2.3.10" excludeAll ExclusionRule(organization = "joda-time")), I can see it being included:

$ jar tf /path/to/project-test.jar | grep play

Am I doing anything wrong and/or missing anything? My goal here is to include the play-json library in ONLY the test:assembly jar and NOT the assembly jar


  • I have left out a crucial part in the original build.sbt excerpt I posted above which turned out to be the cause of the issuse:

    fullClasspath in (Test, assembly) := {
      val cp = (fullClasspath in Test).value
      cp.filter{ file => ( contains "classes") || ( contains "test-classes")}  ++  (fullClasspath in Runtime).value

    This code block was essentially filter out deps from the test classpath. We include this to avoid painful merge conflicts. I fixed this by adding logic to include the play-json dep that was needed:

    fullClasspath in (Test, assembly) := {
      val cp = (fullClasspath in Test).value
      cp.filter{ file =>
        ( contains "classes") ||
        ( contains "test-classes") ||
        // sorta hacky
        ( contains "play")
      }  ++  (fullClasspath in Runtime).value