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getting assets not get the files of assets

I have a project in Android Studio with a lot of libraries. The main project has an assets folder (which contains two folders) and the libraries don't have any assets folders.

I have this code:

public static final Pattern LENGUAJES = Pattern.compile("html-(.+)");

public static List<String> getLenguajesHelp(Context oContext) {
    ArrayList<String> oLens = new ArrayList<String>();
    AssetManager assetManager = oContext.getAssets();
    try {
        String[] oFiles = assetManager.list("");
        for (int i = 0; i < oFiles.length; i++) {
            Log.v("probandoElMatcher", oFiles[i]);
            Matcher oMat = LENGUAJES.matcher(oFiles[i]);
            if (oMat.find()) {
    } catch (IOException oEx) {
    return oLens;

The Context is from the main project (in the assets folder I have a folder named html-es, the idea is that the method matches with that folder) but the method getAssets.list() returns a list of files that I don't have in the assets folder, the most of them are .pak files. What would be the problem?


  • The problem was that i has a lot of flavors, when there are flavors the assets folder must be inside of the main folder (or the specific flavor folder), but i don't know why the get assets returns the .pak files (know returns the .pak files and my files)